The forum page on Musicality TV website is a place where visitors can post comments, reply or start a discussion. But the forum is also a secured forum, this means that visitors with no valid email could not post, reply or start a discussion. This is also to prevent spam from attacking the website.
Using the forum is very simple, for example if a visitor wants to start a topic, reply or comment on a topic:
The visitor will just click ” Login to post new content in the forum. “
After clicking the “log in” link, the visitor sees a a log-in form. If the visitor has already an account, he or she should click fill up the form”.
If this is the visitor’s first forum visit, the visitor should click “Register” .”
After clicking the “Register” link, the visitor will see two fields (username and email address), the visitor has to input any preferred “username” and an active “email address”.
After filling the two fields, the visitor has to click “Register” Button
After clicking the “Create New Account” button, the visitor will see a message
“Registration complete. Please check your e-mail.”
A message will appear in the visitor’s email confirming the creation of forum account; the email also has his/her username and password in it.
- To login, the user just need to click on the link provided in the email and input his/her credentials (username and password.)
Now, the visitor is automatically in “logged in” status, and will be redirected in the homepage. To start using the actual forum; the visitor will just click on the link named “Forum” in the head meanu section of the Musicality TV website.