Products & Features | Sportsface International


Products & Features


Broadcasting online globally

On stage – on the pitch – behind the scenes

In quality HD – more economically than traditional broadcasters

Affordable quality

A choice of TV content

Sport – entertainment – fashion & more

Something for everyone

Now performers in all sports & entertainments can reach vast audiences across the globe

More exposure and bigger income streams

With our own technology, really talented individuals and companies can have their own TV channel

The ultimate promotional resource

Filming live events (in real time)

On stage – on the pitch – behind the scenes

Great value for money

Audio visual

Recording dvd’s in HD (artist/team specific)

A unique method of selling exclusive music & theatre through our global shop window

Market intelligence

Knowing our markets opens up larger business potential

Consider our online capabilities to put you in touch with new customers worldwide

Larger categorised audiences to promote your products & services globally

Shouldn’t we be talking?

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Warning: If you are looking at this site as a web developer, make sure you are working with cleared payment upfront or you won't get paid. You could also be offered shares in the business because they have a 5 million pound investor waiting, sorry this investor is a figment of someone's imagination. To save you some hard work digging no real user base, small signs of a paid signup/membership but no payment gateways. Best I can tell there has been 3/4 devs before me, could be more, I've pulled my agency software licence keys.
Good Luck, walk away or be out of pocket. 30/09/2024 (GMT)