

  • The principle objective of Tiranga TV is to showcase the latest news from India globally.
  • The viewer will be able to access current headlines from the world of Politics
  • Our aim is to deliver our most current and reliable information to the population of India and its diaspora across the world
  • Our target audience is all age groups, but with a main focus on the upcoming youth of today
  • In a country like India, where there are thousands of languages and the news varies from region to region, our web-channels intent is to provide a message of unity and to bring national news under one umbrella
  • We intend to be Incisive and creative
  • We aim to provide the viewer with a plethora of quality to our programs and in-depth coverage
  • Our mantra is to provide both fact and truth
  • Our name Tiranga tv arises from the Indian National flag which depicts courage and sacrifice, peace and truth and faith and chivalry.
  • Our media channel aims to represent and integrate the humanities expressed in the Indian tri-colour.


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Warning: If you are looking at this site as a web developer, make sure you are working with cleared payment upfront or you won't get paid. You could also be offered shares in the business because they have a 5 million pound investor waiting, sorry this investor is a figment of someone's imagination. To save you some hard work digging no real user base, small signs of a paid signup/membership but no payment gateways. Best I can tell there has been 3/4 devs before me, could be more, I've pulled my agency software licence keys.
Good Luck, walk away or be out of pocket. 30/09/2024 (GMT)