


Worry Dolls – built around the song writing partnership of lead singer Emma Baldry & bass player Martin Sloyan,  brought together through their joint aspirations to write & perform new energetic, orginal music with an  individual “quirk”. With lyrics harnessing surreal poetry with real life experience. Band members include, John  Kearley (lead guitar), Russ Bayley (percussion), Mary Falkner (violin) plus Martin’s brother Gavin Sloyan  (piano). All multi-talented musicians & song writeres all playing a wide variety of instruments while possessing  that great creative of being great friends.

 Worry Dolls, Influenced by the diverse sounds of “Pogues”, “Oasis”, “The Beatles”, song writing is at the core of  everything they do, BUT us is as a live band “Worry Dolls” come alive & thrive!! On stages big or small, from O2 Academy Bournemouth to China Whites London, performances are delivered with equal ease. “Worry Dolls” with their individual & improvised live shows are building up that all important fan base far & wide. Gigs are always rebooked & festival appearances are developing strongly with several booked for summer of ’13.

Worry Dolls, have recorded their debut album, ” The Man That Time Forgot” (release date TBC) & will be promoting & performing all tracks at all forthcoming gigs/festivals.



Emma – The mouthy lead singer is the co-founder of “Worry Dolls” with Mart, a classicly trained vocalist with huge voice, bags of attitude and is also a prolific songwriter, loves a beer and a bit of controversy.



 Johanna – The newest member of the band plays many instruments and is definitely Emma’s partner in crime, A straight shooter with a great sense of humour.


 Mart – “Worry Dolls” co-founder, songwriter, bass player and self proclaimed Beatles nut, Mart also loves a beer and great lyrics, again a prolific songwriter with the sharpest shoes in rock and Roll!!! Can often be found writing with little Jon or Emma, and also designs all band artwork.


 Little Jon – Our musical guru is an incredible guitar player and writes some of the most original music your ever likely to hear, rarely speaks in interviews, lets the music speak for him, a real talent.


 Gav – The piano player is brother to Mart, a talented songwriter very funny with a dry sense of humour and loves wearing black, woman love the Gav attack .


 Russ – Our man on the drums is a huge ‘Who’ fan, who loves Arthur Daley hats & strawberry pop tarts.

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