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This topic contains 40 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Isolla 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Chris Cornelio

    Hi to all. Been thinking about this and I’d like to know your personal definition and opinion about what faith is?

    If you guys are going to ask me, I would define it as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Be it in what your beliefs in spirituality (about God) or in practical aspects of life. But the main point of faith is we have this hope that comes from God that whatever He said (through the bible), everything will be done and will happen.


    Lora Dominguez

    Good standpoint, Chris. In my opinion, faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Whatever aspect in life: spiritually, financially, physically and emotionally, faith is essential. It is something that motivates us and gives us hope.


    Chris Cornelio

    True! But faith without actions is dead. So they both go hand in hand.


    Lora Dominguez

    I kind of confused regarding that part. I mean, Jesus said that “It is finished” or essentially, “paid in full” (John 19:30). If you try to work for it, then it is not by grace any more but of works and it’s like we are insulting Him for what He has done.


    Chris Cornelio

    From what I believe, that verse talks about salvation. We do not need to work hard, do good things and etc in order for us to be saved. The good things that we do, reading the bible, praying, witnessing are the reason why we are saved. Faith on the other hand is essentially part of our salvation. We do need to work on the things that we hope for as the verse that I mentioned earlier (James 2:17). For example, you do have a faith in God that He will grant your desire, say for instance, a new car. Well, you need to work on that part by studying and learning how to drive so that God can provide you a new car. It would be nonsense if you’d be given a car and you don’t know how to use it, right?


    Lora Dominguez

    I truly understand. But in my own understanding, what that verse truly means is that when you have something that you desire be it personal as long as your intentions are right and it is for the glory of God then, He will grant your desire. All you just need to do is believe in God and do your part, which I think is to be faithful to Him. Just like your example, it doesn’t necessarily mean you practice driving a car before God can provide you. Although, I have to admit that is a good point. But what I do understand is that you need to be faithful in everything. You need to sow your seeds, you need to be consistent in what you are doing for God’s glory. That’s what it means when the bible states that “faith without actions is dead”


    Chris Cornelio

    I totally agree on your point Lora. No doubt about it. Of course, you need to stay consistent through God’s help in commit to Him everything you do.


    Lora Dominguez

    Yup. There might be times that we’ll have doubts, but let’s not waiver and never cease in believing.


    Chris Cornelio

    It is in our human nature sometimes to doubt, but it is through God’s grace and by having faith that we move forward.


    Lora Dominguez

    Anyway, has anyone watched the new WW trailer? I think it’s really awesome.


    Chris Cornelio

    LOL! I never thought you are into movies, Lora. Haven’t watched it yet. Is it really that good?


    Lora Dominguez

    I love watching movies, especially hero themed and anything that’s cool. I just love it. You can view the trailer on Youtube. I think there’s the official trailer and also, watch the CC trailer too. Both are really awesome. Here’s the CC link: watch?v=5lGoQhFb4NM and WB Official: watch?v=w7xdGWk9BV4


    Chris Cornelio

    Wow! thanks for the URL’s Lora. I’ll try to watch them once I’m done with playing Dota. LOL!


    Lora Dominguez

    Dota? You’re into that game? Who’s your favorite hero?


    Chris Cornelio

    Yup! I like Traxex and Vengeful Spirit. I only play Dota 1 though. Watched the trailer and one word: Epic. I can’t wait to watch it really. So you play Dota. Who’s your hero?

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